

Muziek Player

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vrijdag 3 december 2010

I'm hurt

I'm hurt. Im writing down the hurt of Meg, because she can't express herself now. But actually, these are her words, her feelings. 

There are so many things going on, but nobody seems to notice We've got a bit of a family crisis, but everybody seems to ask only how the person it is all about is doing. even though they know how much we're struggling. 
Wasn't an almost suicide attempt enough? Should I end up dead or in the hospital before we're noticed? before anyone asks how I am doing? We are struggling to stay alive, but it's been 3 and a half week ago since the attempt. But everybody who knows seems to have forgotten. Or they think it's all good again. 
When are people gonna see that I'mm just wearing a mask again. because I hate to be vulnerable. 
I hate loneliness. But what I hate even more, is to think you can on people, and when you are cracking and crying, there is nobody to comfort or carry the burden and hurt with you. 

That all besides the hurt, where it all started... 
Can somebody please just take it all away? I can't handle it any longer!

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